Faculty of Engineering Foreign Language from National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest has a tradition of more than 20 years in promoting the European dimension, encouraging students exchanges and cooperation between academic institutions all over the world.
Course catalogue
The Erasmus student must select subjects for the Learning Agreement directly on Erasmus+ POLITEHNICA Bucuresti.
A short description is also provided for each subject (along with ECTS, semester 1/2, language, faculty). If you have any questions about study plans or about a specific subject, send an email to the contact person indicated for each program.
Undergraduate studies
(Bachelor programs)
- English 🇬🇧
- French 🇫🇷
- German 🇩🇪
Master’s programs
- English 🇬🇧
- French 🇫🇷
- German 🇩🇪
Learning Agreement
Before the mobility
The Erasmus student must complete the Student Application Form and the Learning Agreement on ERASMUS UPB Platform
More details here or at
Deadlines for Learning Agreement:
June 30th for the Autumn Semester and all academic year,
November 30th for the Spring Semester.
During the mobility – Learning Agreement changes
Any changes of your Learning Agreements are possible only in the first three weeks of school in each semester.
After this date, no changes will be accepted. Changes are accepted only once each semester.
Main causes for changing OLA: overlapping lectures / applications or missing lectures (not started)
After the mobility – Getting transcript of the records
The Transcript of Records will be delivered only after the exam session period is closed (about 4-5 weeks after the assessment period has finished).
You will get the transcript of records only for that subjects for which we have signed a Learning Agreement.
Research Project for master students
When you choose “Research Project” in your Learning Agreement, this will be accepted AFTER you present a document called “Description of the Research Project” signed by your project coordinator from UPB; it should contain the project title, planned activities, details about the defense and contact (e-mail) of your professor.
Student card
Between Week 1 and Week 3 of semester, please bring a copy of ID document and a Photo in a closed envelope into the post box that is placed on the Secretariat door (it is written “CORESPONDENTA FILS”) You will receive the student card /transport reduction card.
Location: FILS Secretariate Office (JE building, first floor, room 105)
Working program (for students): Monday to Thursday from 12:00 – 14:00 pm;
Problems finding the classroom / timetable
Please see the attached campus map for finding the specified location (building).
Here you can find the schedule:
GROUP CODE = first two digits (12) = the faculty; the third digit = the year; the rest is the group [E; F; G]
Example: 1233 E = 3rd year Mechanical Engineering (English stream)
For other problems, please contact prof. Adriana Lungu at
Digital acces
For digital access: