Infos utiles sur la mobilité Erasmus+

Before the mobility

Selected students must send an e-mail to UPB’s Erasmus+ Office ( to confirm mobility and to start the necessary procedures to obtain funding.

Students are also required to complete the OLA (Online Learning Agreement) –

Before the start of the mobility, the FILS Academic Recognition Committee analyzes the Study Agreement (Learning Agreement/Training Agreement) and issues a decision on the basis of which the chosen content can be approved or not. It must contain subjects equivalent to (EXACTLY) 30 ECTS/sem or 60 ECTS/year, respectively skills and internship planning.

The study/placement program is established in accordance with the student’s education plan before the start of the mobility.

The student will complete the subjects in the Learning Agreement, with the approval of at least one member of the Academic Recognition Committee. Once the Learning Agreement is approved, it will be signed by the vice-dean responsible for ERASMUS mobility.

During Erasmus+ mobility

The study contract (Learning Agreement) can be modified in max. 4 weeks from the start of school at the host university. Changes go through the same analysis procedure described at the start of the mobility (with the approval of the Academic Recognition Committee).

At the end of the Erasmus+ mobility

Upon returning from the internship, the student sends within 5 days a file containing:

  • the original of the School Status (Transcript of Records/Transcript of Work);
  • copy of the Mobility Completion Certificate;
  • copy after Learning Agreement + changes, including the « AFTER MOBILITY » section;
  • copy of the subject sheets or the study plan (which shows the number of hours/week for the teaching activities of the subjects covered) and which it submits to the Academic Recognition Commission of FILS. A copy will be brought to the vice-dean responsible for ERASMUS mobility.

The Commission for the Recognition of Studies in FILS will propose the equivalence of studies according to the CRID regulation, drawing up the Equivalence Sheet. The subjects that will add up to no. of ECTS mandatory for passing the semester (30) must appear in the school situation and in the LA. Any other subject that appears in the school situation, but does not appear in the LA, will be equated according to the same rules, but as an optional subject. The accumulation of less than 30 compulsory ECTS/sem implies the completion of some subjects as arrears in the following academic year, and the exams can only be taken during the exam sessions approved by UPB. The Study Recognition Commission has the obligation to conclude a Verbal Process specifying which subjects will be outstanding.