Research Centers

Center for Technological and Managerial Transfer (CTTM)
The Center for Technological and Managerial Transfer (CTTM), was established in 2000, within the Department of Engineering Sciences – German Branch and was transferred in 2011, to the Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Languages.
Objective: transfer technical, technological, and managerial knowledge to the industry and the public sector. It is aimed at increasing institutional research performance and stimulating innovation and technological and managerial transfer, in order to capitalize and introduce into the economic and scientific circuits the research results, transformed into new or improved products, processes and services, and publications.
Centre de recherches en narratologie et sciences du langage

Center for Surface Science and Nanotechnology (CSSNT-UPB)
The Center for Surface Science and Nanotechnology (CSSNT-UPB) is a scientific research institution in the field of surface science and nanotechnology.
CSSNT-UPB is a center of excellence in the following fields:
- the preparation and scale-up to mass production of advanced nanomaterials;
- real-space and 3D morphological, structural, and electronic characterization at the atomic and nanoscale;
- the design and prototyping of macro-, micro- and nano-sensors and nano-devices using nanoparticles and nano-objects.