Tuition fees and Study contracts
Tuition fees
Tuition fees are paid online into the university accounts. After payment, the receipt is uploaded on the platform.
Failure to pay the tuition fee and/or other established fees by the start date of the semester exam sessions will result in the student’s exmatriculation within a maximum of two weeks from the payment deadline.
Study contracts
Important: First-year students (bachelor / master) are required to designate a group leader. Once the group leader is designated, they are obliged to notify the secretariat by email or phone.
Group leaders, designated by the students, will contact the tutors (list here) to receive the study contracts.
Signing the contracts
- The contracts are collected from the secretariat by the year tutors, in two copies.
- Each student must sign the study contract by hand within the first two weeks.
- The contracts are signed in the presence of the year tutor, in two copies (one copy remains with the student).
Fee-paying students must have the payment receipt for the first semester of the 2024/2025 academic year uploaded to their student account (on the website) at the time of signing the study contract.
Students with failed courses must have the payment receipt for the outstanding subjects, which they will follow in the 2024/2025 academic year, uploaded. After uploading the proof of payment in their account on, they must notify the secretariat by phone or email (year secretary).
! Students who do NOT sign the study contract will be expelled.
STB subscriptions
For the reimbursement of STB subscriptions, the following must be submitted to the secretariat
- Form request completed and signed
- Completed and signed statement by the holder
- STB receipts
- Xerox copy of the STB card