Bachelor’s admission
Educational offer 2025-2026

Computers and information technology
Languages: en/fr
Specialization: Information engineering (en/fr); Internet of Things Engineering(en/fr)

Electronics, Telecommunications and
Information Technology
Languages: en/ fr/de
Specialization: Applied electronics (en/fr/de)

Chemical engineering
Languages: en
Specialization: Polymer Science (en); Organic Chemistry (en)

Engineering and management
Languages: de
Specialization: Economic engineering in the mechanical field (de)

German preparatory year
Languages: ro/de
Specialization: Preparation for
admission to a specialization taught in German language

Industrial Engineering
Languages: de
Specialization: Applied informatics in industrial engineering (de)
If you have any questions, write them on the FILS Facebook page or contact us directly at and by phone 0214029590

Admission 2025-2026
Regulations regarding the organization and conduct of the admission contest for the undergraduate degree cycle (bachelor) will be published soon..
Registration for the admission contest is carried out via the online platform
For admission to programs taught in foreign languages, candidates are required to provide proof of proficiency in the respective teaching language for the selected programs.
ADMISSION 2025-2026
General Information
ÎIn 2024, admission to FILS (Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Languages) was made through a dossier-based competition involving three exams (P1, P2, and P3). Information for the 2025-2026 academic year will be published soon.
Registration for the admission contest is carried out via the online platform
To achieve the status of admitted, enrolled, and matriculated candidate in the first year, completing all phases of the respective session is mandatory.
For admission to programs taught in foreign languages, candidates are required to provide proof of proficiency in the teaching language for the respective programs. Proof can be provided as follows:
- High school diploma obtained in the respective teaching language
- Language proficiency certificate for the respective teaching language (minimum B2)
- Examination in the respective teaching language: Test A, B, or C from the Baccalaureate exam, with a grade equivalent to at least a B2 level (upload the Baccalaureate diploma as the language certificate)
- A foreign language course passed in high school with an average grade of at least 8.00 (in grades 9, 10, and 11) (upload the transcript as the language certificate)
- POLITEHNICA Bucharest Test (more information available at (upload the email with the results as the language certificate)
Structure of P3 and calculation of NB in Session I
La Facultatea de Inginerie în Limbi Străine se iau în considerare următoarele criterii de evaluare utilizate în cuantificarea celei de-a doua componente a probei P3:
- NRCJN – Number of county/national/international competitions the candidate has participated in. Each competition is awarded 1 point; a maximum of 5 points can be accumulated from this criterion.
- NPL – Number of awards obtained at local competitions (school, city, county level). Each competition is awarded 1.5 points; a maximum of 6 points can be accumulated from this criterion.
- NPN – Number of awards obtained at national/international competitions. Each competition is awarded 3 points; a maximum of 10 points can be accumulated from this criterion.
- NCLS – Number of language proficiency certificates for foreign languages (English, German, French) at a minimum level of B2, issued by recognized authorities (e.g., Cambridge, TOEFL, IELTS, DELF, DALF, DL, TestDaF). Each certificate is awarded 1 point; a maximum of 3 points can be accumulated from this criterion. A maximum of 1 point is awarded per language.
For a competition with multiple stages, the most favorable result (among NPL, NPN, NRCJN) is considered.
Only the following Olympiads and competitions are considered for the NPL, NPN, NRCJN criteria:
*In addition, competitions from other countries or international can be scored, as the case may be, with the consent of the local admission committee.
- Mathematics Olympiad
- National Mathematics Olympiad for Schools/Sections Taught in Hungarian
- Physics Olympiad
- Physics Olympiad of the Romanian Physical Society
- Chemistry Olympiad
- Informatics Olympiad
- Information Technology Olympiad
- Astronomy and Astrophysics Olympiad
- National Olympiad Gazeta Matematică
- Olympiad of the Society for Excellence and Performance in Informatics
- Applied Informatics Olympiad “AcadNet”
- Digital Innovation and Creativity Olympiad – InfoEducation
- Cybersecurity Olympiad
- Physics Olympiad of the Romanian Physical Society
- Mathematics Competition “Marcel Roșculeț”
- National Robotics Competition “FIRST Tech Challenge Romania”
- Robotics and Innovative Solutions Competition FIRST® LEGO® League
- Physics Competition “EVRIKA”
- National Mathematics and Physics Competition “Vrănceanu-Procopiu”
- Physics Competition “PHI” of the Excellence Centers
- National Chemistry Competition “C.D. Nenițescu”
- National Competition “CHEMISTRY – Art among Sciences”
- “Romanian Master in Mathematics” Competition
- Applied Mathematics Competition “ADOLF HAIMOVICI”
- National Competition “Hardcore Entrepreneur”
The field of Engineering and Management (German) has two specializations: Industrial Engineering and Management (Electrical Domain) and Industrial Engineering and Management (Mechanical Domain). Depending on the number of applicants, one of the two specializations will be initiated.
In the preparatory year in German, places are tuition-based but subsidized (no financial burden for admitted candidates). Candidates in this category, admitted and enrolled in 2025 and who successfully complete the preparatory year, will have reserved places in the following year for programs taught in German.
Do you have questions? We are here to help you!
Admission email:
Admission phone: 0214029590