Hardcore Entrepreneur 5.0

Do you accept the challenge of… Hardcore Entrepreneur 5.0?
Hardcore Entrepreneur – the national mobile programming contest for students, organized by the Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Languages within the National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, in collaboration with Punctul IT and industry partners, writes today the fifth chapter of a story built together with you!
Since 2021, we have been developing applications that matter and bring added value to society. This year, we challenge you to create a sustainable application, based on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals: https://sdgs.un.org/goals
🎯 Bring your creativity and enthusiasm and we will provide you with both webinars to guide you step by step and an amazing community passionate about technology and sustainability.
🗓️ Registrations are open until January 20, 2025: https://he.upb.ro/registration/
📖 More details here: https://he.upb.ro/