Scholarships and camps


For questions or clarifications regarding the scholarship allocation, you can contact the responsible vice-dean, Conf. dr. ing. DOBRE Cătălina-Georgiana (

Announcement for semester II

The central scholarship allocation committee at POLITEHNICA Bucharest has not approved, for this semester, the awarding of performance scholarships to international students (CPV, CPNV, and Romanian government scholarship holders), for any of the faculties.

The remaining funds in this context have been reallocated and the final lists of scholarship beneficiaries can be consulted below.

Scholarship allocation announcement (semester II FINAL) here.

Scholarship funds for the second semester according to the university’s decision here.

Scholarship allocation announcement (semester II) here.

Students who are beneficiaries of study scholarships are required to submit the personal data processing agreement (GDPR declaration), in original, to the faculty secretariat no later than Friday, March 28, 2025. Exceptions apply to those who have already submitted this document in the previous semester.

Announcement for semester I

Details on scholarship payments here.

Scholarship allocation calendar here.

The criteria for the allocation of the scholarship fund allocated here.

Scholarship funds for the first semester according to the university’s decision here.

Scholarship allocation announcement (final) here.

Please consult the final lists on the 12-FILS-Administrativ-2024 channel in Microsoft Teams.

We remind all students with scholarships are required to submit the original personal data processing consent (GDPR declaration) to the faculty secretariat, except in cases where this document has already been previously submitted as part of another scholarship application file (e.g., social scholarship, merit scholarship etc.).

Minutes regarding the appeals submitted concerning the scholarship allocation within FILS here.

Scholarship allocation announcement (after appeals) here.

Following the appeals review process regarding the performance scholarships, the lists of students awarded study scholarships have been modified. Please consult the updated lists on the 12-FILS-Administrativ-2024 channel in Microsoft Teams.

Scholarship award announcement (before appeals) here.

The provisional lists of students receiving scholarships can be consulted in the 12-FILS-Administrativ-2024 channel on Microsoft Teams and on the FILS notice board.

After the publication of the final lists (November 22), all students with scholarships are required to submit the original personal data processing consent (GDPR declaration) to the faculty secretariat, except in cases where this document has already been previously submitted as part of another scholarship application file (e.g., social scholarship, merit scholarship etc.).

Scholarships are awarded according to the following documents:

  1. Methodology regarding the awarding of scholarships and other forms of material support for students of the National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest starting from the academic year 2024-2025 (download here)
    Extracted from the methodology regarding the awarding of scholarships here
  2. Ministry of Education Order no. 6463 / 2023 – regarding the establishment of general criteria for granting scholarships and other forms of material support for students in state higher education, full-time education  (download here)

The committee designated for merit and social scholarships for the 2024-2025 academic year consists of:

  • Conf. dr. ing. DOBRE Cătălina-Georgiana – vice-dean FILS, president
  • Ing. BĂRAN Mihaela – FILS chief secretary
  • BUSUIOC Natalie – student representative in the FILS Council
  • MATEI Antonia – student representative in the FILS Council
  • POPESCU Bianca – FILS student representative in the University Senate

The committee designated to address any appeals regarding the merit and social scholarships for the 2024-2025 academic year consists of:

  • Prof. dr. DASCĂLU Maria-Iuliana – Dean FILS, president
  • STAN Antonio – Valentin – student representative in the FILS Council
  • TĂNĂSESCU Iulia – FILS student representative in the University Senate

The file must be submitted physically to the FILS secretariat no later than 01.11.2024, during the public office hours.

Merit scholarships

*FILS students who have passed all their exams are eligible, regardless of their funding form or nationality.

Merit scholarships grade I Students applying for merit scholarships grade I are requested to fill out the application form below and submit their file in accordance with the provisions of Article 21 (6) of the Methodology.



The awarding of performance scholarships II and III is carried out in accordance with Article 3 of the Methodology.

Social scholarships

*Romanian FILS students who have passed all their exams are eligible.

The deadline for submitting the file for obtaining the social scholarship is extended until 01.11.2024.