Exam session
Autumn redo 2024 session
ALL DOCUMENTS ARE UPLOADED INTO THE STUDENT ACCOUNT ON THE PAGE: http://www.studenti.pub.ro/, between 27.08.2024–06.09.2024 and brought in person to the secretariat and commission secretary:
Necessary conditions for registration:
Commissions and dates for the exam
Anexe PO-37-FILS-02-Sustinere-diploma_EN
ALL DOCUMENTS ARE UPLOADED IN THE STUDENT ACCOUNT ON THE PAGE: http://www.studenti.pub.ro/, between 27.08.2024–06.09.2024 and brought in person to the secretariat and commission secretary
The candidates’ registrations for this exam are registered at the FILS secretariat, between 27.08.2024–06.09.2024, DURING THE PROGRAM FOR WORKING WITH THE PUBLIC 10:00 AM-2:00 PM
Necessary conditions for registration: